
Sneak Peek Into Opening Depths

AnalysisOpeningStrategyOver the boardChess Personalities
What does it mean to truly understand an opening? As a child, I believed that memorizing specific opening variations equated to mastering an opening. Undeniably, there are still variations today where a minor lapse in memory can lead to an immediate loss. Therefore, I always caution my students against such lines. Nowadays, I find it much more important to understand our openings deeply, to grasp the pawn structures that arise, to know the typical plans, and to understand the rationale behind our piece placements.

Consequently, I believe the question isn't which opening to play, but rather how to play it! I'd like to illustrate this theory with an example, using my favorite opening, the Sicilian Defense Dragon variation!

In my previous post, you learned about the specific openings I usually recommend to my students. I also mentioned the importance of thinking thematically when it comes to choosing openings because different openings can lead to similar middlegame structures. Therefore, thorough knowledge of these structures is crucial. If we don't understand these evolving structures and the typical plans for the middlegame deeply, it doesn't really matter which opening we play. And what do I mean by deeply understanding a position structure? Let me illustrate this with an example.

We arrived at this established middlegame from the Sicilian Defense, Dragon Variation. This variation is considered "more than suspicious" for Black, but a new idea has shed a completely new light on the entire line.

13...Rxc3 14. Qxc3 Qxc3 15. bxc3 Rc8 16. Kb2

Black sacrificed a piece, but in return, disrupted White's pawn structure and weakened its king's position. However, lacking enough attacking pieces on the queenside, the compensation received for the sacrificed material is likely insufficient, and at this point, analysis ends for many. Yet, those who are familiar with middlegame types arising from their own openings don't give up easily...


An extremely unusual and unexpected move, which, from experience, I can say even surprises grandmasters! Black's bishop move allows for a rearrangement of pieces towards the queenside, potentially converting the compensation for the sacrificed material into an advantage. Essentially, whatever White does, Black's plan is extremely simple and unstoppable: Nd7 Nb6 then Na4 / Nc4.

Thanks to this small move, this line of the Sicilian Dragon is playable again!
I believe this is a good example to illustrate that understanding the types of openings and the plans and structures arising from them in the middlegame is much, much more important than which opening we choose!

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