
Computer user

Common Mistakes of computer user

Most of the people uses electronic gadgets such as mobiles, laptops, desktops, tablets to complete their day to day activities. In that sense of mood we tend to commit few mistakes which makes us feel minor but indeed they major.

Not backing up important files

Clicking Next or Ok without reading

In a tech-driven world its common for people to work with the speed at their fingertips. Be aware that not having patience or time to read what you are agreeing to comes with great risk

Not saving work While working on a document either offline or online make sure that the program is automatically saving your work. If a program does not automatically save your work, you need to make sure you are saving your work every 10-15 minutes. If the computer loses power, Internet connection, or the program crashes everything is lost that hasn't been saved.

Turning off the computer improperly

Not keeping operating system and software up-to-date

  • Not protecting electricals
    Poor password selection
  • Not protecting electricals
  • Not installing anti virus softwares
  • Poorly enforced security policies
  • Opening email attachments without verifying the source
  • Keeping too many tabs or windows open
  • Ignoring warnings that disk space is full
  • Having a messy desktop
  • Not blocking popups
  • Not letting your computer breathe
    keeping many tabs open