
Seeking Advice to Improve Rapid/Classical Chess Play

@PeterDoocy said in #1:
> Disclaimer: I am inactive on lichess and almost exclusively play on
> Hello Lichess Community,
> I'm reaching out today because I want to receive some guidance and tips on how to substantially improve my chess play. Currently, I have a rating of 1500 on (rapid), but I want to elevate my game to the next level.
> I've been playing chess for a few years, but I've hit a plateau at this rating and feel like there's room for growth. I'm looking for advice from the experienced players in the Lichess community who might have gone through a similar journey or have valuable insights to share.
> Here are a few questions I have in mind:
> ...
> What are the most effective ways to study and improve chess at this rating level?
> Are there specific resources or books that you would recommend for a player of my level?
> How can I work on improving my tactical and strategic understanding of the game?
> What are the common mistakes or pitfalls that players in the 1500 rating range should be aware of and work on avoiding?
> Are there any practice routines or training exercises you would suggest to enhance my play?
> Are there any questions I did not ask that I should be asking?
> I appreciate any advice, anecdotes, or recommendations you can provide.
> Thank you in advance for your time and assistance!
> Best regards
this is not a text to write best regards
Maybe try one or more of these:
"... Logical Chess [(Batsford edition by Chernev)] ... a collection of 33 games ... is definitely for beginners and players who are just starting to learn about development, weak squares, the centre, standard attacking ideas, and the like. In many ways, it would [be] a wonderful 'first' book (or first 'serious' book, after the ones which teach the rules and elementary mates, for example), and a nice gift for a young player just taking up chess. ..." - IM John Watson (1999)
“... Certainly for players who do not fully grasp the meaning of terms such as skewer, pin, fork, discovered attack, and the like, Winning Chess [(Batsford edition by Chernev and Reinfeld)] is a wonderful resource to bring the budding player to a much greater appreciation of the game. But also for intermediate players who all too often fall victim to these tactical maneuvers, or who realize in postmortems the many attacking threats they overlooked, this should be a book to consider. ..."
"... Silman’s Complete Endgame Course ... I'm convinced that Silman's book will take its place in history as one of the most popular endgame books ever. ... He writes in a clear and casual style, and time and again has shown the ability to reach those who feel intimidated by the lofty approach that a grandmaster will often take. ..." - IM John Watson (2007)
"... For beginning players, [the book, Discovering Chess Openings by GM Emms,] will offer an opportunity to start out on the right foot and really get a feel for what is happening on the board. ..." - FM Carsten Hansen (2006)
"... Irving Chernev’s The Most Instructive Games of Chess Every Played was ... originally published ... in 1965. It contains sixty-two well analyzed games, each one possessing both artistic and educational value. Now Batsford has republished Chernev’s book in algebraic format, ..."
"... The Amateur's Mind ... (for players 1000 to 1600) ..." - IM Jeremy Silman (2010)
"... The Amateur’s Mind ... is one of the best instructive books in print. ..."
Best Lessons of a Chess Coach
"... [Simple Chess by GM Stean] will definitely help players in the general rating range of 1300-2000 with their positional play and strategic thinking. ..."
"How to Reassess Your Chess, 4th Edition was designed for players in the 1400 to 2100 range." - IM Jeremy Silman (2010)
Chernev's 'Logical Chess' is what destroyed my game when I was 12 years-old ... but then, on the other hand - I did not have a coach ... critical point

Also, it may've been Lasker's book which actually caused the infection ... for it was then I first started thinking about lines, instead of just checkmating the enemy King ... critical point
"Logical chess move by move by Chernev" is great for real. Great study of historical games before all top players understood certain basics. Teaches one how to think of chess for beginners. It may be imperfect in analysis but it has great concepts worked through.
@PeterDoocy said in #1:
> ... Currently, I have a rating of 1500 on (rapid), ...
I think that it is at least possible that you already know most of the ideas to be learned from Logical Chess.
@boilingFrog said in #14:
> ... Also, it may've been Lasker's book which actually caused the infection ...
What Lasker book are you referring to?
@PeterDoocy said in #0:
> Seeking Advice to Improve Rapid/Classical Chess Play

Stay away from the shrooms and try not to drink so much. ~ my ex-coach

I fired him for his reactionary views ...
@PeterDoocy said in #7:
> screw you guys then, ill go to a website where the people are actually affable. i dont see why the fuck i should be on lichess if this is what the community is like. and one day when im a master, just watch me; im going to be so fucking nice to people who just want to learn and ill treat them with dignity and respect. how would you like it if you tried to ask a thoughtful question and people just called you mean things like "weird"?
people are calling you weird because you play on and asking questions on lichess

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