
Feature request: puzzle difficulty level "random"

In the puzzles, the Healthy mix states that it provides "a bit of everything, you don't know what to expect, so you remain ready for anything! Just like in real games".
But when I'm at 2100 in puzzles, I do know that I need to expect something that's not simple (1900+), and I always refrain from going with the obvious solution.
Conversely, when I'm puzzle-rushing or puzzle streaking in the first stages, I almost always rush through it and choose the obvious solution whenever I see one, without considering the possible gotchas.

In puzzles, we can already set the difficulty level to easy, normal, hard. Would it be possible to set a "random" difficulty level, so that we never know in advance if the puzzle is trivial or more intricate ? I feel that it would be more "like in real games" this way.
I have the same bad habit you do, of being too lazy to calculate, so I've thought a lot about this issue.

Puzzles are not rated based on their simplicity. They're based on their guess-ability.

I've got lots of examples. This puzzle is 2512 and it's a straight-forward mating pattern:

2311 one move tactic:

2407 simple mating pattern:

If you or I ever guess and go with the obvious solution, rather than calculating, when solving puzzles we're not learning anything. It's worse than wasting our time. It's practicing a bad habit. If we do that, that's nothing more than a personal choice. This is a major reason why so many people have puzzle ratings that are way higher than their game ratings.
I pretty much agree with #2--but not entirely. There are moments in doing puzzles when grasping the Big Idea (so to speak) is the key; and I do think that cultivating that sort of insight can be worthwhile.
Puzzle-wise, I don't have any problem taking my time and calculating if I know the puzzle is highly rated. For lower-rated puzzles, my brain already knows that it's straightforward and not as much examination is needed. I could force myself to do it anyway, but it would be different. It's no use trying to find defenses or trying to find a better move, if the puzzle is 1500-, I *know* that the first thing I came up with that looks reasonable is the solution. It's all about prior knowledge.

In a real game - especially at my level, I'm much lower rated than you guys - we never know if the opponent blundered real bad (1500- puzzle), or the tactic doesn't work. By adding a "random" difficulty level, that would help create the habit of carefully considering each move before playing it and would, in my case, be beneficial for my playing.

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