
Computer wants me to take on IQP after achieving pawn center?

Computer wants me to take on IQP after achieving pawn center? I advanced E pawn instead. Confused.

I've had this happend in a number of games before. Curios what everyone has to say about this game?

At move 16 (and earlier) d4 is recommended because it gains a tempo on the knigh, allows for d3 forcing the other knight back since it has no squares forward and also creates a passed pawn that paralyzes the white pieces into the defense.

The reason e4 isn't as good is because the d5 pawn is then backwards (not defended by other pawns) which makes it easier to attack and also makes your center immobile (you couldn't have played d4 unless your opponent blundered his e pawn).
Even if you play d4 later on, you can't take back with the e4 pawn so you don't get a passed pawn anymore (the f2 pawn prevents the e4 pawn from moving forward!)

It's a pretty advanced strategical move, as a general rule: If you can push a pawn in the center while not blundering it then you should consider that move since it will create a threat of promotion so at least one enemy piece has to be stuck covering it.
Good answer, thanks. I guess I would just be scared that I would eventually lose that pawn to my opponent stacking up on it because it is so far advanced and more importantly... ISOLATED. I'm thinking these types of decisions just come with experience.
d4 has more potentional, because it contains more chess information than e4 ,by d4 you get things moving by straight break , so you exchange all and conitue breaking and go for promote or press, while e4 is paasive and waiting move , with keeps things in passive way, by d4 You forcing an exachange and open e line in the end, to invade with your Rook and you have nice commone press there, by bishop watching kings pawn, can supported with knight moving to g4 and press that pawn+ rook invasion, so white had troubles defending similarious attacks , while e4 doesn't opens ways to multiply pressing
@doubledecker1104 said in #5:
> Hey "Avague" what do you mean it contains "more chess information" than e4?
Good Question. You know, wathicng Best Engine Play, I ve started feel and Notice, that He Prefers makes move, that are Changing not single thing, but many many in common,so that is possible by making that straight "brave" moves , or th ones, that seems like really unexpected ,but deep out worked, and that contains chess information, wich may be revealed after a move and position progress, Just Try See some Cool Engine Games, and You may catch that Feeling too
Pawns are only cool as long as they can move; you have to push the paws that can keep moving. In that center the e pawn will end up blocked, but the d pawn has the potential to do stuff. If you're worried of having the isolani, consider that having a backwards pawn like it happened it the game is even worse, because the isolani at least could advance. You had to push the d guy and you already had the support of the e pawn; with your move you just undid that support and froze your guys in a structure that begs to be attacked.

Push your pawns with confidence (fake it) and violence and you can bluff the other guy into blundering. Worst case scenario you lose a cool game, but your opponents are gonna be playing under pressure and you're gonna be comfy. Play the pawn moves that look the most violent, even if they look crazy.