
Bug in tactic #12123

r2qr3/b1p2Q2/ppn2pP1/2P1p3/1P1pP1k1/3P3R/P2B1PP1/RN2K3 w Q - 1 24

In this position when I've played Rg3 then it was marked as incorrect which is just annoying.
I solved the problem without playing Rg3...what is your solution?
I know it is not optimal, but still forced mate, jut one move slower.

Normally slower but still forced move isn't marked as bad one so this is inconsistent behaviour.
Can you write the entire sequence of moves from the beginning? I can't help this way sorry
1. Rh3+ Kh4 2.Qh7#
1. Rh3+ Kh5 2.Qh7#

It is forced mate and it should not be marked as bad move.

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