
gay chess

Why would you include that as a necessary practice? I am a nationally certified TD through USCF. And I do not require my participants to even shake hands. And I would not participate in events that forced shaking hands. Is that good enough for an answer?
All things considered, this is a fun variant (It is actually called Relative Royalty Chess on ChessV)

I don't see it that way. There are cultures out there who don't like shaking hands. There are cultures out there that don't like looking each other in the eyes.

Chess IS a sport. Just because it isn't athletic doesn't mean it has nothing to do with competition and sportsmanship. Being athletic in nature is literally a bad term.

I don't see forcing someone to do a custom they don't feel the need nor comfortable with doing as a necessary or even productive practice. If the person you are playing is cordial and doesn't directly insult you (And I might add at the TD's discretion because some people get insulted over nothing), there is no reason to force anything on them unless they want to. And I would consider it abuse to force the custom on that person. I don't even require people to say "Good game" or even require them to talk at all. Simply don't fight. And believe it or not, there literally is no rule stating you must do such things.

I could probably ask my friends in the LBGTQ community what they think of your question and they would probably think it was not only an insult to their culture, but they would ask why you would even ask such a question.

Honestly I don't believe you. There is absolutely zero reason to force someone to kiss someone else. And there is no reason to force someone to do anything beside be considerate of others. Also.. If he only read my post without context you are not showing this theoretical friend the whole picture. Nice going!

And @MagnusSonOfCarI

I am not the only one. I first read the idea that chess was a sport from the books by Yasser Seirawan. Who talked that chess was among the top two sports in the world under the Olympics. But this was like back in 1993-1995. So that may have changed in the last 25-30 years or so. Also there are probably just as many people that think it's a sport as people who don't. And most of the people who don't are American.

Because I am defending my position, I am aggressive? That sir is why the art of debate no longer exists. I still assert that you are fibbing when you say you shown this to a friend who is a member of the LBGTQ community and did it honestly with full context. If you did I would question his validity in the community. They tend to be very proud and forcing customs people think they would like tend to be frowned upon. And I agree with that stand point.

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