

How do you motivate yourself when you are a mediocre player, such as myself? I've gotten to the point where I really don't care if I win or lose and it shows!
Do you like playing? And do you want to get better? I think that's the motivation , if not then you've already learnt , winning and losing , same imposter! Don't matter xxx have fun
I think if you're not motivated, then just don't play. Find what motivates you in life, and do that instead. No shame in that.

However, if you're determined to become motivated at chess; What works for me is to try to increase my rating! I play on both and lichess and enjoy using puzzles and lessons and other misc. features of the two sites to hone in on my weaknesses, try to identify areas for improvement, and then seek out lessons or youtube videos to help me improve... It is very gratifying when I reach milestones in my rating :)

Good luck!
You could give up chess if your truly don't like it any more.

But, I would suggest these steps;

(1) First, take a break from chess. Maybe a week to do other things.
(2) Take a very long break from bullet and blitz chess.
(3) Play about equal numbers of Rapid and Classic games each on the longest time settings possible.
(4) Try to calculate properly and not just play from instinct, instant vision and repetition.
(5_ Spend at least as much time studying theory [1] and doing chess puzzles and exercises as you do playing.
(6) Care about the outcome of every game.
(7) Make plan on a spreadsheet. Set realistic rating goals for the end of each of each 3 month period. Chart and graph your progress against goals.

I've broken at least some of these rules myself and that's why my ratings are languishing, plus I am not a genius so my only chance to raise my rating a bit is harder work at the study and memorising aspect of chess. (Actually, the geniuses study a lot too.)

Note 1. Theory obviously divides into:

(1) Openings (moves plus the positions and plans you are aiming at.
(2) Middlegames, especially plans, strategies, combinations, calculation, visualization.
(3) Endings: All technical endings and endgame tactics.
(4) General Theory - Tactics, Strategy, General Rules, Positional Rules.

"No system will work if you don't", is a good adage. There are two kinds of recreation. There is lazing about and enjoying food, drink and other pursuits Then there is active recreation. People who get good at running, surfing or chess even at recreational level, not professional level, work hard at it. These things can become more fun the harder they work at it.

Now let's see if I can even take my own advice. ;)
I play whatever style or technic I think off...with one condition... less blunders and mistake...then I's good to be creative and win at the same time
I'm trying to be all Zen-like with the question...but I got nothing.
For History You can read just a bit' m' browse a Chess Book called A History of Chess by HJR Murray Written WAY back from 1899-1911 it was published in 1912 ,,, Yes it took 12 years of care & work & it shows in the details ! Over 1000 Pages with also Games from OVER 1000 years ago @logflume Another Book is Rewire Your Chess Brain by Cy Lakdawalla Cyrus Lakdawalla reall nailed Tactics in this book explaining the Origins of many tactics ,,, The Battle of Chess Ideas by Anthony Saidy is an outdated explaination of collection of Inspirational Play @logflume Or just look at the New Book relativly New on Shakir Mamendraov or have fun with Simon webb with Chess For tigers an old funny book with a dose of reality
Thanks for the constructive replies. I will try and put some of them into practice.

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