
Lichess and Chess com's anti-cheat efforts remain a total and complete joke.

Find 5 to 7 friends to play against otb and/or online.
Forget worrying about elo points.
Everyone's frustration is centered around wanting to brag about high ratings. The world outside of chess doesn't care.
Play for fun and to improve.
Play with honest friends and other players.

Go through the forum posts and collect the 20000 complaining about cheating. Start your own tournaments together. Don't be surprised if 5000 of them are cheaters also.
@CSKA_Moscou said in #17:
> how many people on this forum are robots? none. it's like a paranoia, Lichess takes enough measures to fight cheating even if there is still a tiny percentage of cheaters.
> Cheat is not representative of the online chess community, and fortunately so. Despite the popularity of chess around the world, the fact that there is no rapid outpouring of violent emotion like you can get in COD or WoT makes chess relatively safe compared to the rest.
> enough on this forum

And interestingly enough the wizards that desingn and run this site still decided to include a "report cheat" function. whether its time manipulation, bot control, transfering moves from another computer or what ever and its not the mean representative, it is here. so do the mods have a hard time keeping up due the the overwhelming nuber of cheats and bots or are they just lazy AF because there just a few and they cant seem to get a grip on it? cant have both ya know... I refuse to believe, unless purposefully obtuse, that someone could believe there are those that have bots and dont use them.
@DanB123456 said in #33:
> And interestingly enough the wizards that desingn and run this site still decided to include a "report cheat" function. whether its time manipulation, bot control, transfering moves from another computer or what ever and its not the mean representative, it is here. so do the mods have a hard time keeping up due the the overwhelming nuber of cheats and bots or are they just lazy AF because there just a few and they cant seem to get a grip on it? cant have both ya know... I refuse to believe, unless purposefully obtuse, that someone could believe there are those that have bots and dont use them.

there are around a hundred mods to manage a site with millions of players. so the mods cannot search for all the cheaters themselves. The advantage of deferral is that it allows mods to more quickly examine cases that mods might not always be able to find. It's not laziness but it's practical, don't forget that these "wizards" are volunteers who earn nothing from Lichess.
The percentage of cheaters is not representative of our community, since outside of trophy events like the marathon or the Shield, it is less common to find cheaters and most Hourly Arenas take place without cases of cheating.
the more popular the events, the more potential cheaters there will be; zero risk does not exist. but even in a tournament like a marathon, you can have 200 cases of cheating out of 20000-25000 players, so 1% or less.
What's up with this horde almost equalizing the like-dislike ratio in #1 ...
@DanB123456 said in #33:
> And interestingly enough the wizards that desingn and run this site still decided to include a "report cheat" function. whether its time manipulation, bot control, transfering moves from another computer or what ever and its not the mean representative, it is here. so do the mods have a hard time keeping up due the the overwhelming nuber of cheats and bots
The overwhelming majority of investigations are people who have reported someone incorrectly, this what takes all their time, looking into the gripes of either sore losers or accusers who have no clue what they’re talking about.
> are they just lazy AF because there just a few and they cant seem to get a grip on it?
This site is free and relies heavily on valuable people donating their spare time.
So you who knows nothing and does nothing for this site is criticising those who know so much:
of not getting a grip on the subject
And even though they are doing it for free, after their professional day job, you are calling them lazy.
>cant have both ya know
There is a reason that stupid people also say this sometimes!
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Why doesn't the fide give its titles (gm, im) online?
Why does this happen?
@williamxp said in #38:
> Why doesn't the fide give its titles (gm, im) online?
> Why does this happen?

You can try and get the most pointless title in the world, Arena Candidate Master!
There is a very powerful protection against a hacker cheater- a cheater who connects a hacker chess program via the Internet to a chess server while making moves very quickly.There are practically no such hacker cheaters on lichess. Ordinary cheaters are cheaters who just make a move on the computer and wait for the program to run and then enter a personal account on the site, while the move is done slowly, you can't get away from such cheaters. But such cheaters are quickly found on a personal account and banned.But you can play the bullet reliably on the face without cheaters.

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