
Do games against an online chess computer affect my rating ?

I am a newbie and am wanting to understand the ratings in order to track my improvement and find proper matches. I noticed that so far, my starting rating here on and also on has not changed after I won a few games against the computer (online chess engine). Is the rating only for playing against human players then ?
Yes. Even though playing against a computer around your level is a great way to improve (providing you analyse the game), you will not gain any rating points against it.
You've only completed one game and you're worried about tbhings like this?
I think the games against computers are unrated, so no, they will not have any effect on your rating.
@MartinPlath said in #3:
> You've only completed one game and you're worried about tbhings like this?
Of course. I want to track my performance against the computer from the start and see my improvement, so obviously the start means when there are few games.
If you really want to a) improve and b) measure your success, I strongly recommend playing rated games against humans.

The computer plays quite stupid, especially on the very low levels. You learn very little from that. To illustrate my point, I requested the engine analysis for your one completed game. Just look at the evaluation graph, and you'll see how horrible it plays.

You will learn much more by facing reasonable moves, and actually analyzing the game afterwards.

The only way to measure your strength with an engine here would be to say "oh, now I can consistently beat level x". But it will have very limited meaning in regard to strength against humans.

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