
Previous games covering live board

Hello devs

I've mentioned this multiple times before, so i apologise for repeating myself, but would it be possible to implement a fix to prevent the previous game table being triggered during a live game and covering the game board. This is extremely distracting while playing, it happens to me constantly. Yes I can use Zen mode, and I do do that, but when a new game starts I do like to know what my opponents rating is, so I disable it, then enable it, losing time at the beginning of the game.

There really is no need for this popup to cover the board. It's a cool feature, i do like to use it on occasion, but there really is no need for it to popup over a live game.

There are many ways to resolve this. The simplest solution imo would be to make the popup appear 'on click', rather than 'on hover'. That would be a really simple change which would make a massive difference to the UI. I see streamers having the same issue as me. When it happens in a time scramble it is just maddening.

Thanks for reading
Maybe a Userstyle would work for you?

With Stylus in Chrome for example you can just make the whole crosstable disappear like this:

And I had actually reported a similar issue on GitHub but it's more about the changing (maybe bugged?) behaviour of the crosstable's tooltips during/after the game and less about expecting the devs to alter its design, so probably not what you have in mind.
I just wanted to add that the "Lichess Tools, by Siderite" extension for Chrome offers what you're looking for: It lets you deactivate the crosstable's functionality in the settings and blurs it out. Then you can enable/disable the crosstable again by simply clicking on it in game view.
Your suggestion of changing the behavior of the popup from "on hover" to "on click" seems like a reasonable solution to prevent the popup from interfering with your gameplay. By requiring a deliberate action (a click) to activate the popup, it would prevent accidental interference while still allowing you to access the information when you need it. By the way I have gotten in the habit of going to online casinos when I sit a auto, here even today found new information want to check out this casino. If you haven't already, I recommend reaching out to the platform's support or feedback channels to express your concerns and suggest this solution. Often, user feedback is a valuable resource for developers to improve their products and enhance user experiences. They might consider your suggestion and incorporate it into their future updates.
I don't find a problem with this behavior, but support your 'on click' suggestion. In the meantime, I'll suggest a strategy I've used for annoyances on other sites. Instead of keeping the browser maximized, switch to overlapping window behavior (though you can make the browser window as big as you like). Then, drag the whole window down so the crosstable is off screen, and the mouse pointer cannot reach it.

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