
Search "user:StanFurd"

33 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - FIDE to launch investigation into Carlsen and Niemann#8

The recent C-squared podcast provides a lot of background and insight that I haven't seen elsewhere. If you're interested in this topic, it's worth listening to.

General Chess Discussion - Blindfold mode with speech on - is there a key sequence to "repeat last move"?#1

Spoken moves are easy to confuse, e.g. "e6" and "b6." Is there a key sequence to prompt lichess to say (repeat) its most recent move out loud? Thanks.

General Chess Discussion - Niemann's chess career is over#44

@lizani said in #1: > His abrasive personality won't win fans like Hikaru does. Hans's personality may not charm everyone, but judging from Hikaru's success as a streamer, and the state of US politics…

General Chess Discussion - Who thinks Hans Niemann is cheating in the Sinquefield cup 2022?#96

If you think you are the "official" ruler of the chess world, sure. Might want to update your handle to Rex - or Kirsan?

General Chess Discussion - Who thinks Hans Niemann is cheating in the Sinquefield cup 2022?#94

"we currently have no indication" is not at all the same as "confirmed that [he] did not cheat."

Lichess Feedback - flipping board#23

I agree it sounds annoying. Are you using Chrome - or some other browser? Is it possible to take a short "video" of this? (iPhones easily do this - not sure about Android.)

Lichess Feedback - Clock incremented randomly - I had almost 25 minutes by the end of a 2 1 bullet game#7

Hmm. That is interesting - I didn't know about this "feature." However, I don't think it explains everything: On my second move, my clock jumps from 02:00 to 03:16, and my opponent has only used four …

Lichess Feedback - Lichess' code of conduct and how it gets applied can be a bit frustrating#20

The idea that, having won a game, I am obliged to keep playing the same player over and over until his honor is satisfied ... completely baffles me. That's not how the adult world works. Let me tell y…

Lichess Feedback - Clock incremented randomly - I had almost 25 minutes by the end of a 2 1 bullet game#3

I don't think that's possible. If you scroll through a few moves of the game and watch my clock, it looks like a bug.

Lichess Feedback - Clock incremented randomly - I had almost 25 minutes by the end of a 2 1 bullet game#1

This is the game:
