
Search "user:imakitty"

445 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How good am i for my age?#12

Good at chess and bad at chess is very relative... Magnus Carlsen isn't that good compared to Stockfish, but a beginner is quite good compared to someone who doesn't know the rules.

General Chess Discussion - What was your "aha moment" when in came to understanding QGD?#24

The Catalan Opening is a set-up/line for white against the Queen's Gambit Declined.

Lichess Feedback - Bug Report: Scrolling issues with play with a friend and play with a computer#1

So when I go to play from position against the computer(position is legal) I cannot start the game because I would have to scroll to get to the buttons to choose color but I cannot scroll within the p…

General Chess Discussion - can all masters play blindfold chess?#2

I think so, but only weaker players. You would probably not win against anyone 100 points below your rating or higher. Just my guess.

Lichess Feedback - Delete a move in a study?#2

Just right click the move in the notation, and click Delete from Here.(if you have an Apple Magic Mouse, cltrl+click)

General Chess Discussion - Is it possible to watch the candidate tournament 2021 on lichees?#2

it will probably be displayed on the front page, but you will also be able to find it at

General Chess Discussion - Puzzle Race#5

@RalerCrab in puzzle storm the points are per puzzle, in puzzle racer the points are per move

Off-Topic Discussion - why do people advertise teams in my dm >:(#3

just block and report them

Lichess Feedback - Suggestion: Add premoves to FAQ#1

Hello! So I noticed that there is no FAQ section about premoves, and while premoves may be intuitive for experienced online chess players, for new players the feature may be confusing or they may not …

Lichess Feedback - How many reports/warnings before players get banned?#2

I do not know what the number of warnings is, but for reports I assume it only depends on the whether the reported activity is true/banable and not the number of reports.
