
Attacking the Uncastled King

1 • tortillathehun •
  1. Kasparov Crushes
  2. McDonald-Hodgson
  3. Chapter 3
  4. Chapter 4
  1. tortillathehun

Magician from Riga Vol. 1

1 • tortillathehun •
  1. Tal - Zilber Riga, 1949
  2. Tal - Klasup Riga Championship 1952
  3. Tal - Pasman Latvian Championship 1953
  1. tortillathehun

30 Most Important endgame positions

1 • tortillathehun •
  1. Intro
  2. K + Q vs K
  3. 2 Rooks + K vs K
  1. randomalbumtitle
  2. tortillathehun

Instructive Chess Miniatures

3 • tortillathehun •
  1. Paul Morphy vs Duke Karl/Count Isouard
  2. Schulder vs Boden (London 1860)
  3. Queen's Adventures
  1. tortillathehun

Petrov's Defense: Mato

1 • tortillathehun •
  1. Copy Cat Game
  2. Taylor vs NN
  3. Taube vs Finotti
  1. tortillathehun

Vienna Game: Mato

1 • tortillathehun •
  1. Savielly Tartakower vs M Berman
  2. Harry Nelson Pillsbury vs Fernandez
  3. Mordecai Morgan vs Walter Penn Shipley
  4. D Ham vs A Howard
  1. tortillathehun

Ruy Lopez: Mato

1 • tortillathehun •
  1. Jose Raul Capablanca vs Leonard B Meyer
  2. Alekhine vs Forrester
  3. Aron Nimzowitsch vs Ryckhoff
  4. Mladen Palac vs Pavel Govciyan
  1. tortillathehun

Italian Opening: Mato

2 • tortillathehun •
  1. Evans Gambit
  2. Example 1
  3. Example 2
  4. Example 3
  1. tortillathehun

Spring Marathon Blitz Analysis

1 • tortillathehun •
  1. alejouribesanchez - tortillathehun
  2. PabloAguiar7 - tortillathehun
  3. Quick-with-it - tortillathehun
  4. tortillathehun - KarpovMolotov1
  1. tortillathehun
  2. Mrfartbrains

Garbage Chess

1 • tortillathehun •
  1. UnrelentingPietist - TheRobConnolly
  2. rezonov - tortillathehun
  3. UnrelentingPietist - hayde
  4. tortillathehun - lanas2007
  1. tortillathehun
  2. Mrfartbrains
  3. UnrelentingPietist

tortillathehun's Study

1 • tortillathehun •
  1. Tal-Botvinnik, 1960
  2. Quiz Position 2
  3. Chapter 4
  1. tortillathehun


2 • tortillathehun •
  1. achja - tortillathehun
  2. tortillathehun - apestyles
  3. abdallahmagid - tortillathehun
  4. ODENNO - tortillathehun
  1. benjii74
  2. tortillathehun
  3. achja
  4. UnrelentingPietist

My Repertoire as White: Sicilian Defense

2 • tortillathehun •
  1. 2. ...d6
  2. Tamaz Gelashvili - Padmini Rout
  3. 2. ...Nc6
  4. Tamaz Gelashvili - Seth Homa
  1. tortillathehun

My Repertoire as Black: Sicilian Defense

1 • tortillathehun •
  1. Open Sicilian
  2. Grand Prix
  3. Closed Sicilian
  1. tortillathehun

Fifty Deadly Checkmates

2 • tortillathehun •
  1. The Fischer Trap
  2. Knight Sacrifices on f7 & e6
  3. The Bishop Sacrifice on f7
  4. Legall's Mate
  1. tortillathehun

vs. Mrfartbrains

1 • tortillathehun •
  1. tortillathehun - Mrfartbrains
  2. tortillathehun - Mrfartbrains
  3. Mrfartbrains - tortillathehun
  4. tortillathehun - Mrfartbrains
  1. tortillathehun