
49th International Dortmund Chess Days on Lichess

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49th International Dortmund Chess Days on lichess

This year's Sparkassen Chess Trophy 2022 is dedicated to No Castling Chess, among other things. In Dortmund, the two World Champions Vladimir Kramnik and Viswanathan Anand, world-class player Michael Adams and the top German player Daniel Fridman will play a round robin tournament in No Castling Chess.

At the same time, there will be a chance to try out No Castling Chess for yourself on lichess. The organiser offers a rapid chess tournament in this exciting mode. Exciting games often emerge from the very first move, as memorised theory is omitted and the kings are in the fire right from the start.

The tournament takes place with three preliminary 7 round tournaments on lichess:
Saturday, 16 July at 2:00 p.m.
Sunday, 17 July at 10:00 a.m.
Monday, 18 July at 6:00 pm

The first 8 from each preliminary tournament will qualify for the final on Sunday, 24 July. Exciting prizes await them there:
The overall winner will be invited to participate in the 50th Dortmund International Chess Days in the A-Open and will receive accommodation and breakfast in the players' hotel for the duration of the tournament.
The players in second and third place can take part in the 50th Dortmund International Chess Days free of charge.

The first three places in the preliminary round tournaments will also each receive a ChessBase voucher worth 30 euros as a voucher code.

In the final there will be a zoom call with all finalists to exclude any cheating. So play along, test yourself in NC Chess and win your place for Dortmund 2023!

Tournament information
Tournament group: Sparkassen Chess Trophy Dortmund •