
A special chess puzzle

"..couldn't have been reached from "real" chess games, without..."

It's difficult to see it coming about anyway - White has 8 pawns on the board (unless I'm seeing things)!
The say that if you set enough monkies writing long enough they'll come up with the complete works of Shakespeare, so very little is 'impossible'!
The position in #12 reminds me of the Viking game - Hneftafl (or some such).
lol, I only came up with that piece of shit position cause I heard a rumor that a lot of amateurs kept talking about the best way to survive through or win an endgame in chess, to guard your King with
as many pawns as possible

So I felt this funny feeling to compose that problem.
So, just one Monkey needed in that case - but you had a head start on the rest of the cartload : just a few milennia of evolution!
I can see the narrative in the link but not a board/position?'s the weekend : I don't know if my mind can cope with the 61 moves in a perfect solution, let alone the seemingly more likely greater number! Especially supping my way through some port.
Oh, erm was going to warn, it's a Java applet.
(Java sux btw)

Um, well if you're still using FireFox, I guess you need to install Java for that page to display the problem and let you play the moves.

Don't worry about the mate in 61 thing; that was just a calculation I made when going through the problem. It could be virtually any number of moves you want, really. No chess engine is going to be
able to solve this problem without a ton of hints from a human mind.

If you want to install Java to FireFox's plugin container, I got my installation from here.

but the stable Sun Java 6 was a bit less crash-prone on other websites, but wth, so far it's working ok for me
I am using Firefox - for most things: some don't work right, but that may be because I haven't delved into it enough. As such, I think I'll pass on adding something else at this point! I'll stick with
the port - enough to occupy my mind at present (plus the opera on the radio).

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