
Analysis doesn't work

Could anybody tell why local stockfish analysis doesn't work recent time?
When I turn on local computer evaluation
for variation analysis there is status "loading engine" and there aren't any arrows for recommended move

Can you please open your browser dev tools (Ctrl+Shift+i) and look in the console for error messages? A screenshot of it would be great.

Recently I have had the engine crash after adjusting the number of cores and the number of variations in the settings. It says something like stockfish crashed so I reload and most of the time it works again just annoying.
Hello, Thibault.
I'm sorry, but can't embed image in message. The text in console is:
lichess.js?v=1157:36 [analyse 3e2v399jkw] connection attempt to wss://
analysis:1 NativeClient: PnaclCoordinator: Compiler process could not be created.
lichess.js?v=1157:36 [analyse 3e2v399jkw] connected to wss://
analysis#1:1 NativeClient: PnaclCoordinator: Compiler process could not be created.
Thanks. This helps a lot, already. What's your Chrome version? (Menu -> Help -> About Chrome)
The version is 53.0.2785.116 m
I think I need to update Chrome. It suggests.
#7 Its always easier for the developer if you are updated. Do it and see if the error is still there. Sometimes, browsers also have bugs.
I have updated to 53.0.2785.143 m
The problem is still here
Console log is:
lichess.js?v=1157:36 [analyse wgskmu9cbs] connection attempt to wss://
analysis:1 NativeClient: PnaclCoordinator: Compiler process could not be created.
lichess.js?v=1157:36 [analyse wgskmu9cbs] connected to wss://
analysis#1:1 NativeClient: PnaclCoordinator: Compiler process could not be created.
Put this in chrome URL bar:


What version is the "pnacl" component? For instance mine is

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