

Berserk llama syndrome is a psychological condition suffered by human-raised llamas that can cause them to exhibit dangerously aggressive behavior toward humans.The condition is a result of the llama imprinting on its human handlers to such a degree that it considers them to be fellow llamas.
Berserk llama syndrome can be prevented in males through castration before puberty.
I love Wikipedia.
Ask about the "Chicken syndrome" . Player who join a tournament just to steel a few points elo of those Berserk players who are playing about the tournament win. It´s realy very chicken like.
Coward like...
It's all you have on the internet: your rating numbers. Endlessly. You define yourself with a few numbers. There's nothing like winning a local championship, a club duel... It's just numbers in time. Forever.

Damn right. it´s about the moment it´s about the game and not the rating.I´m far from trolling about this topic but it´s time for a serious dicussion.Player waiting on the tournaments for you to go Berserk and win on time just for a few elo points.
I would not want to lose my face by confirming that i am the worse player. Non Berserks do it... they agree to to be the coward.
So they somehow lose their face their chess honor.
They should make Berserk mode available for 2 moves. After I move, and my opponent goes Berserk, I cannot match the time.
The identity and behavioral Idiosyncrasies of the species Gallus domesticus have already been thoroughly analyzed in post #16.

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