
Unofficial Lichess Puzzle Storm Top 200 List

I'm now in the top 200 in ultrabullet, so I should be in the list yes?
Update 2021-02-02

We have a new Leader:

* avalongamemaster with a score of 104

Three new players are in the honorable 100+ list:

* mutdpro with a score of 101
* sp1cycaterpillar with a score of 101
* Chessfis with a score of 100

@aa175 You are in the list, with a score of 92

Congrats to avalongamemaster and all other members of the list.
Please have a bit of patience when you enter the list, I update the list every day at around 0:00 UTC time.
Update 2021-02-03

muisback entered the honorable 100+ list. Congratulations!

avalongamemaster is still the leader with a score of 104.


I am having a problem: Currently the script remembers the users who were in the official top lists in previous script runs. I underestimated how much this lets grow the amount of users to make an API request for - currently 1066, 986 in the last run, 897 in the run before. This is due to fluctuation in the lower regions of the official top lists.

Therefore, in the next script run I will reduce the data again to only _active_ members of the official lists. Players with scores higher than 100 will always be in the list, active or not. Sorry about that, I don't know how to do it otherwise.


@anonymous61596 I can answer you that. But first, could you tell me if the first three paragraphs in are well written? Or could I do this better?

@Yousuf_Haitham psst, do not mention this. The angry mods will close the thread! :-) (Also, don't ping thibault please).

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