
Looking for a free coach

You are obviously looking for a correspondence coach.

When I coach in person, I look at the player. I notice things that affect their concentration.

How long they look at a position before blinking.
If they get up after every move.
If they are anxious to play the next move.
If they eat and drink while they play.

How we approach studying subjects, makes all the difference. Without good study skills, it will be hard to improve.

Repeat and reread material 7 times will normal leave the knowledge in long term memory. Read it once and don't use the new material taught and in a few days it is lost, because it was only in short term memory.

Repeat the same errors and you will be driving your chess like on a rail-road track. Nothing will ever change.

The scale of bad games vs good games must tilt on the good game side. Search your games for common blunders and ask your self why you are doing these blundered.

Start by writing all the blunder names down and discover how often you continual do these tactical blunder.

Once you know that you get had by discover checks, practice puzzles that only have discovered checks.

Change that scale so you see the tactics when your opponent blunders.
If your opponent is playing well, don't search for tactics, place with strategical principles.

Nobody can spoon feed a player to see the answer in a chess position. Reading (learn new methods), viewing videos (gives new ideas) and solving our weak tactical problems is my solution to get better. I like Lucaschess for specific training puzzles and for lots of other reasons.

Two players equally rated, does not mean they both know or use the same chess knowledge during a game. Their baggage of knowledge and methods of solving a situation can be completely different.

I have improved my chess knowledge by reading books, like this one: Chess words of wisdom.
If some chess coach here wants a student, I'm searching for a coach too to improve my chess skill.
Tacticien, tu habites dans la capitale ? Joues-tu en club de temps en temps ?
I don't want to take anyone's place, but feel free to pm me if you want some free advice.
Hi everyone !
If one of you has time to play correspondance games with commentary with me. I'll be pretty interrested too.
I'm happy to try to help anyone out by playing a couple of training games - also would be good to do similar with someone my own strength or stronger to kick some ideas around.

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