
Why do we have school

the environement at school teaches you some social skills. i think its good to learn some history, basic grammar and simple arimethic. but everything after elementary school kinda gets useless.
@Robochessyodha said in #1:
> we don't need math we have calculators, we don't need English we have ChatGPT, we don't need history, because there a saying: let the past be the past so then what do we need from school?
I saw this in a youtube short
I agree about history because half of history is false and its the past. But I really think that math is needed and calculators wont help for this. English is really needed too or else ur basically someone who doesn't know english. ChatGPT is just an app. Imagine if ChatGPT got shut down or something, then how will u speak will people who doesn't understand anything except english.
we dont need no education,we dont need no thought control
we need schools so teachers have jobs
@Robochessyodha said in #1:
> we don't need math we have calculators, we don't need English we have ChatGPT,

Well... what about other subjects...

And how did people make calculators and ChatGPT ? From knowledge that came from going to school.
It’s like a cycle, people go to school so they can be smart enough to make things that mean you don’t need to go to school. But you need to keep people going to school so that they can be smart enough to come up with better solutions for people not to go to school...

Anyways, schools nice, why wouldn’t you go?
@MIHIR_KATTI said in #42:

To use Khan Academy you need to have a basic understanding of how to use technology and how to read.

Not to mention that using Khan Academy all the way from K-12 is essentially just going to school, which is what OP was avoiding ;)
The best reason to learn math is not so that you can "do math." Sure, it's nice, sometimes even crucial, to be able to "do math." But that's not the best reason.

Learning to "do math" teaches and builds objectivity, caution, self-discipline, an eye for detail, the ability to usefully abstract, and persistence. Then, with that persistence, it can build quiet self-confidence and tame fear.

Learning math can teach us not to run from effort, but to stand, for as long as it takes, and prevail.

Running from effort and toward mindless amusement can become a bad habit that shows up in places besides math classes. Don't gripe, moan and make excuses like "oooh, I'm just not good at math." Making mistakes is part of the learning process, and with time and genuine effort mistakes can become less frequent.

Do your homework with care and growing persistence. Learn to prevail.

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