
So far only one major thing wrong with lichess (for me)

#1 Do you guys know the ICC saying "Where the grandmasters play?" Can't wait for lichess to make one :p
@ DeV1ce

Don't know why it is hard for you to get 2000+ rated opponents. My opponent avarage in blitz is 2100+ and I rarely wait even a full minute to get a game.

Sure, many players don't want to rematch here. Grow some balls and get over it?

Just make a new seek and you will be playing again in less than a minute.

If you can't handle the psychological side of losing to a "worse" player and not getting a rematch, you are playing the wrong game.

@DeVice What time do you usually play chess? On lichess, most users are American or European. You can also join tournaments, they will always have players and there is no aborting.
Cheers, Nck
I decline a rematch if I want to and I accept a rematch if I want to.
Opinion and feelings of the opponent are irrelevant.
#25 Can you show us your fedora and sword collection?
Swords are inefficient. Axes are always preferable.
Fedoras are OK.

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