
correspondence chess

>just play a quick game of chess. make ur brain move faster, not slower

It's funny how the neophytes consistently attempt to turn things upside down and insist how supposedly blitz was the "proper" chess, while standard time controls were boring, old, deprecated, and inferior.

Newsflash: all games with a time control of under 15 minutes per game are considered blitz by official standards (no matter that Lichess calls games 8 minutes and above "slow"), which means that likely 99% of the games played here are blitz games. And here's what grandmasters have to say about blitz chess:

It's just that the longer the time controls in online chess, the greater the probability to be cheated upon. Those are the joys of online chess, sadly.
+1 for correspondence chess feature.
In Correspondent Chess,every Player use chessengine,it's normal and legal,
next choose better move,
Lichess has zero tolerance for cheaters,so...I don't know what it will be:-)
In my opinion Correspondent Chess,it's game of chessprograms
Not exactly, rzen, if if was the way you say there where be no low rated players, and the rating distributions in every correspondence chess organization that I know, whether they use the internet or not, are pretty much the same as in lichess. However, there are some things that I hate in all of these organizations: In the lower rated levels, no one uses progs or databases whatsoever. As the ratings go up, I start to notice (mainly in post-mortem analysis) that the openings become much more accurate, and that`s because the rules say clearly that it`s ok (?!) to consult "opening databases". Yes!! these are the official rules of correspondence chess, they always where like this, only lower rated players just play their game and don`t give a damn about openings, and higher rated players use their databases and stop using them at some point in the game. That`s my problem: My openings stink, and when I play against players around 1800, 1900, they usually get a better position after the opening against me, and if I get a draw or a win is because of their blunders after that point. So, I never got to 2000 rating in correspondence, because I just don`t like to consult during the opening, so I stopped playing it. And worse: Each player decides when the opening ends, and I got many "book losses" in about 20 moves because up to that move my opponent still considered it an "opening". One even sent me the scan of the page from where our game came from: Move by move, our game was there, he just followed it till I resigned. That`s another chess. I`m not calling it a cheat, though, and maybe I would be a better player if I did the same and used correspondence chess to study openings while playing, but I don`think I`ll ever do it, I prefer to play bullet. In the end it`s just a mater of taste. But never consider it the same as cheating in live online games, which it stupid in the first place and completely against the rules.
Even if every single player in a player pool used an engine to assist them, there would still be low rated players in that pool. Ratings are relative to others in the pool, not absolute measures of skill.
Dunn, not only I started with a rating of 1200 and crawled my way up to 1900 (and got stuck there), but also I took the time to go through many low rated games, and the level of those games are indeed exactly the same as here, from opening to endgame. The games over 1900 are another story: All of them cheat in the openings, or as they say, they use opening databases (that`s allowed). But I could not detect any cheating after the opening. If they cheated, they would not lose as many games to me as they did, after crushing me in the opening.
+1 for correspondence chess. At my low level, cheating is of no import; cheaters won't be in my rating pool very long...
+1 for correspondence chess.

I play it sometimes on, especially Chess960 tournaments. It's fun to have 4-5 games all queued up. When I have a few minutes in my day, I make a move in each game.

It's easy to fit into my life. I can stop whenever I want should something come up, which is impossible for blitz chess. With a 3-day time control (for example), if we move faster, great. But if we're away for the weekend, no problem.
+1 for correspondence chess

That is the only reason I still use They have really good correspondence chess there. Once there is that feature here along with an android app, I'll never need again.

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