
Can't understand stockfish.

Hi everyone !

In my last game :
At move 16 stockfish said that black should take on e4 and white responds with rook e1.
I can't understand why white can't take the Knight back on e4 with d3.

Can you help me ?

not being an asshole there is "A function" called live analyse.
were you can plug in the moves and it says the best move -.-... in this case you can win back the knight after you pin the the bishop and play c5...
Stockfish suggests 17. Re1 instead of 17. dxe4 because after 17. dxe4 black plays 17 ... Rad8, pinning the bishop on d4 and aplying pressure on your position. Meanwhile 17. Re1 will lead to queen trade and white has a safe position up a piece.
#2 it's not about making the move, it's about understanding the move. When a computer tells you what the 'best' move is, it doesn't give you the chess principles at work behind it. Endgames are a classic example of how to outplay a lesser opponent, they under appreciate the intiative.

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