
Challenge and training

Now, Stockfish has become very strong in Crazyhouse, let's start a challenge for all top humans players :
Play a blitz session (3m+2s or 5m+5s) of 10 games and try to beat SF level 8 one time on these 10 games (you can chose your color side) !
Share you results here !
This has already been done-- JannLee was unable to beat the engine with long time controls, and was able to beat it once with 1 0 time controls.

I suspect the current incarnation of the engine is unbeatable by humans.
I'm not so sure, @Flourish. In 3-checks and atomic, for example, if the engine enters some of my prep lines, I could easily beat it (and it usually doesn't even play the toughest defenses). Of course, with Black, it's going to be almost impossible for me to exploit the engine's little mistakes (plus, I'm not that good at 3-checks, and pretty average at atomic!), but sometimes I'm lucky enough not to blunder away White's big advantage. Now, in zh, White's opening advantage isn't as big as in 3-checks (atomic>> huge White advantage), but I'm sure that if you play the engine enough times, you can memorize some lines and be able to crush it.

That said...This discussion does not belong here :).
It's certainly possible to beat it with Black in atomic. I just did it a couple of times. The first looks like a bug where it realised it was a draw and resigned though, the second is a real win where it realised the danger too late:

Hello Flourish,
I know, i played this match for the computer side (I posted the original msg with my second account by mistake).
For the match against JannLee, on my computer SF computed way more than the Level-8 on Lichess (around 200 time the number of nodes).
"unbeatable", I don't think so. 1 win in 10 games would mean +382 Elo for the computer. I really doubt SF with 0.5 sec by move is 382 Elo above top humans with 10 sec by move.
Level 8 definitely is beatable, at least in a single game. E.g. there are some mating patterns that humans can spot in fractions of a second that Stockfish has difficulties to find, so it might blunder away wins by grabbing material and getting mated. However, I do not think that a human player is able to win a match of like 10 games.
The challenge is to win 1 game in 10 ;-)

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