
Lichess is growing!

Its glad to see all the new improvements of the site and the increasing amount of titled players joining this site! I hadn't seen a GM on this site 4 months ago, but now it seems there are around 20/30 and numerous other titled players. Are there any statistics on the amount of titled players which actively play on this site?
How does that help me to have GM or FM playing on the same internet site as me? Get rid of the cheaters instead. IP banning, please. Nobody pays for a vpn service anyway, so they will be hit by that ban. Wesley So left Lichess because of bot cheaters.

Well, that is my view.
@Veslefrikkmfela how many cheats do you think you've played? I've played almost 2,000 games here and I reckon I've come across 3 cheats, maybe 4?

I'm not saying that cheating isn't a problem, and maybe your experience has been different to mine, but I don't see it as a major issue - certainly not one that's worse on this site than others. (that said, I can understand that a named GM is very likely to come across more cheaters that want to knock him off his perch than the average player)

I was also very impressed with the speed of taking out the last cheat I came across - I reported him and he was banned whilst playing his next game.
@TheStudier after reading the news about Fide's bankrupcy, i can safely say that only future for chess is lichess

@Veslefrikkmfela i m pretty sure ip banned cheaters don't pay for vpn or anything else, they use cracked versions instead...
@Usolando I guess those versions are as slow and unreliable as hidemyass free version. They will not bother trying to find new cracked free versions when the crack is eventually exposed. Cheaters are lazy, that is why they cheat.
#3 Wesley So is a crybaby, you should quit being such a fanboi. You have to be a huge loser IRL to actually care about numbers on the Internet. Here is my favorite So quote: "hurr durr numbers stolen off me wannnnnn".

That being said, you should still report cheaters just so they know they're not even good enough in life to avoid very basic cheat detection. If you're gonna cheat, do it right at least. Several people do (and its very easy to spot them if you play 1...b6 vs e4) and they are still fine!

Furthermore, IP bans don't work since most people have dynamic IPs, meaning if they ban you, a few weeks later, someone else might be banned while your IP is new and you are unaffected.

Usually my IP is changed if I unplug the modem cable before bed and plug it when I wake up. Because I shield servers to be IP only that can log in as admin without having to follow a complex procedure it's really annoying. For a griefer in mom's basement? Not quite.
Wesley was kind of a crybaby, to be honest. He faced 2 (!) cheating experiences (by one person), and then he said lichess needs to get rid of cheaters.

IP bans could work but the problem is that what if you used a public computer? Like at the library?

I think games should be compared from top GMs like Carlsen to top engines like Stockfish or Komodo. Computers could analyse them and (maybe) find out styles of engines compared to humans.

I dunno, but maybe that will work.

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