

Option when creating a game to allow king snatches (no alert when in check, other player can snatch the king and win).
Well. In medieval chess that was the case.

You'd win automatically if you captured everything except the King.

You'd win automatically if you captured the King.

Stalemate was a win, not a draw.

Maybe it would be more interesting to implement the medieval style/variant of chess here, than to interfere with the modern rules.
There were a lot more differences, too! Eg: The pawn's first double-move and en passant did not exist; the bishop's move was restricted, but with ability to jump; the queen was very restricted - when
the rules were changed, the new 'variant' became known as The Mad Queen's Game.

It could indeed make for a very interesting variation.

Then, of course, there is always Great Chess. Many variations have been tried down the years.
Yeah, I haven't had a chance to play shatranj very, twice or thrice, maybe. It would be fascinating to actually have an option to play that on Lichess. It's just so damned ancient, and
feels weird playing XD so would be quite unique if implemented here.
It's a much slower game - especially in the time it takes to lock forces. It was the changes made in Europe that really catapulted chess to popularity, and I suspect most modern players would be a bit
bored by it. I have a couple of Indian sets that use the more traditional form of the pieces (including the heads of camel, horse and elephant) and these can be tricky to differentiate in some.
Yeah one girl had this really ancient-ass looking chess set. It was so hard for me to tell all the pieces XD, can't remember very well, but the only things that were really identifiable to me were
the rooks and pawns.

Apparently in shatranj the rook is the most powerful piece, and the bishop is weakest (though I thought it was the pawns that were weakest) since it can only access a total of 8 possible squares. :D

lol, and all the pawns just move 1 square at a time till they reach the end of the board and just sit there pointlessly XD

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