
Variant Request: Vote Chess

Greetings Lichess community, I would like to propose the idea of adding another variant to Lichess, Vote Chess!

For everyone is not familiar with this variant, the name is self explanatory. A position will be presented, and the Lichess community will vote on a move that should be played. It is sort of like a chess correspondence game with multiple players.

The position could be a starting position, a middle game, endgame position, etc. An example could be: Bishop vs. Knight endgame, White to play. The players will simply move as if it is a normal game and press a vote confirmation button. After a specific time period, the move with the highest # of votes is played and the players can vote moves for the opposite side.

We may even be able to get a very strong player, and play against him/her through vote chess (ex. Lichess Community vs. Eric Hansen, Chessbrah). Or play variant vote chess!

Also, to eliminate cheaters/trolls who multi account, there could be a restriction that players must have an x amount of games played in order to part take in these events.

In conclusion, I really would love for Lichess to implement this variant, since this is the only variant that Lichess does not have that has. I am in no means advertising, and I believe Lichess is far superior to any chess site.

Please show your support if you are interested, and comment your ideas about this potentially enhancing feature.

No, it's a rubbish idea. There are already 8 variants on lichess, while lots of little things simply don't work properly.
i see the argument that it would not be worth the development resources, but calling it a "rubbish idea' sounds more than a little too strong. Congeniality is a good idea, even if it is the exception on the internet.

i would like to see Swiss Tournament on lichess, that would be great for all of us.
Vote chess is pointless (At lest i did not say rubbish).

(But your input is appreciated)
^ I try to make it a point to not be rude.

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