
Search "user:ChessCactus"

8 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Merry Christmas#2

Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays to all! Wish yours the best!

Game analysis - Theory behind Ruy Lopez#2

I've seen some people capture that knight on c6 with the bishop, then winning the e5 pawn if black isn't careful.

Game analysis - Bishop Sac#1

I knew I was in a losing position as black, so I did this bishop sac to at least go for a draw; turns out, I quickly got the winning advantage:

Lichess Feedback - App suggestion#1

Is it possible to make over the board variant compatible? For example, playing atomic or horde with an offline 1v1. Also, it would be cool to add the Crazyhouse and Racing Kings variant on the app.

General Chess Discussion - Chessboard style#9

1st on fourth for board and Merida for Pieces. Sleek touch.

Game analysis - An interesting finish to a simul game I played#4

#2 , did you get that name from Chessnetwork?

General Chess Discussion - How to avoid losing?#18

#17 , Your goal isn't to just simply win against yourself repeatedly. You're trying to see your weakness and how you play. If you realize you beat a familiar opponent easily, it applies to others beat…

General Chess Discussion - How to avoid losing?#16

I suggest play against slightly stronger players or players that play like you.
