
Search "user:Leek_Wars"

88 forum posts
Game analysis - A quick game which made my day (Monday) - Feb 28, 2022#2

Nice one

Lichess Feedback - puzzle unlimited points bug!!!#9

You could always set up the position on stockfish if you want to cheat, no point on fixing that.

General Chess Discussion - 9 Queens challenge#5

I did it with both colors

General Chess Discussion - 9 Queens challenge#4

It's not a chess game. It is a pure exercice with the board and the rule of chess. For this exercice you play both colors and try to make the challenge

General Chess Discussion - 9 Queens challenge#2

Black is not allowed to capture any pieces

General Chess Discussion - 9 Queens challenge#1

Hello Guys, From the starting position, are you able to promote all white pawns to queens, in the smallest amount of moves ? You obviously cannot go below 40 moves (8x5 = 40) I was able to do 40 : htt…

General Chess Discussion - New feature: Puzzle Racer#67

@wccchallenger why do you reply without knowing ? I just tested and yes, everyone gets the same puzzle

General Chess Discussion - New feature: Puzzle Racer#63

Does everyone in the same races get the same puzzles ?

General Chess Discussion - Re: Bobby Fischer#44

Bobby Fischer- The greatest of all time The guy won ONE and ONLY ONE world championship, and you guys are saying this is the greatest of all times What a joke Not forgetting the guy was a complete jerk

General Chess Discussion - AlphaZero testing new chess rules#6

Grandmaster Daniel King looks at positions from the new AlphaZero study by Deep Mind
