
Search "user:Sieglindehans"

35 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Best Chess Players (relative to their peers)#46

+1 carlsen -1 anand Bobby Fischer - 30 Emmanuel Lasker - 27 Paul Morphy - 33 Wilhelm Steinitz - 22 Jose Capablanca - 26 Anatoly Karpov - 25 Garry Kasparov - 26 Magnus Carlsen - 7 Mikhail Tal - 20 Mikh…

General Chess Discussion - Lichess Titled Arena!#37

caruana some sayn

General Chess Discussion - Congratulations - GM Andrew Tang!#72

haha and he did it !

General Chess Discussion - Carlsen vs. Grischuk Speed Chess Match#1

Hey guys, i just wanted to mention that Carlsen is going to have a Speed Match against A.Grishuk at 10am. PST Dont miss it : ) You can follow the game on chessdotcom. Im not here to make advertisement…

General Chess Discussion - How to download the move, take, castle sounds from chess dot com ?#1

Hey guys, i am playing chess on various platforms, such as ICC blitzin. I'd like to set up my blitzin sounds like chess dot com. Who can help me ?

General Chess Discussion - Hanging pawn structure#2

try to save with inbetween moves, that means u need some tactical movement around your mid pawns to save them propperly this is helping me in my middlegame

Lichess Feedback - [BUG] Zen mode and popup notification#3

Also the rating should be hidden in the lobby as well. When I activate zen option, i can still see the ratings of others, when offered a match in lobby. (table mode, not diagram)

Game analysis - Interesting crazyhouse game where one side has all the pieces#10

this one got me :D:D nice work 300 moves.. jow your day was kinda .. boring right ? : D

Off-Topic Discussion - Mike Tysons pieces are not correctly placed#2

also i checked his tattoos, the video is not mirrored or sth, he has his tattoo on the left side of his face so its in right format

Off-Topic Discussion - Mike Tysons pieces are not correctly placed#1

Hey guys, I#m a fan of boxing and MMA. So I was joining the internet lately and found this on the net: Its a small documentary about Conor vs Floyd, but wha…
