
Search "user:dstne"

479 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Which variant is the best#7

Atomic all the way. KOTH a close second

Off-Topic Discussion - Today's World Meditation Day! :D#4

@Passionate_Player said in #3: > The stop thinking entirely one. I hate that one. It's so pointless, you sit on the ground and do literally nothing for basically no benefit.

Off-Topic Discussion - Do Gods or invisible entities create things without solutions?#14

@Oportunist said in #13: > İn my opinion,God didnt create everything,God created the universe and living things including us,we humans have created lots of things also that is not Gods creation we inv…

Off-Topic Discussion - Today's World Meditation Day! :D#2

@HailstormChessPlayer said in #1: > Yeah everybody! Start meditating now! is it really? What kind of meditating, the one where you stop thinking entirely, or the one where you think intently on one th…

Off-Topic Discussion - Do Gods or invisible entities create things without solutions?#12

@GriffinDaBeast said in #11: > trying to combine logic and god is just illogical lol, if God created everything (which is a very very logical conclusion), then He also must have created logic. Therefo…

Off-Topic Discussion - Who's the most famous person you've ever met?#48

@AyaanshGaur12 said in #47: > Oh, you died from food poisoning and are writing this message from heaven? lol as if I have to go to heaven to meet God.

Off-Topic Discussion - Who's the most famous person you've ever met?#46


Off-Topic Discussion - Teams#7

@TPT2010 said in #6: > I had advertised my team in my previous account and Lichess chatbanned me for 2 months can means by definition that something is possible. I wasn't saying it is allowed, just th…

Off-Topic Discussion - Teams#5

@TPT2010 said in #1: > How are you supposed to make other people join your team if you aren't allowed to advertise it? You can advertise, it's generally frowned upon tho, and you might get reported. O…

Off-Topic Discussion - AI art (plagiarism?)#1

is AI art plagiarism? I have just seen a lot of AI art recently (because it's so easy to make custom images) so I wanted to know what people think about this controversy.
