
Search "user:seven_samurai"

15 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Who's the best lichess player?#56

@Chess-King30 said in #46: > @Zhigalko_Sergei and @Lance5500 I fully agree @Chess-King30, these two great masters have made a tremendous contribution to the lichess site, through their games and simul…

Off-Topic Discussion - Who's the best lichess player?#21

While LM Lance5500 , may 'only' be around 2400-2500, I've played many masters in the past thirty or so years, and he is one of the best, in my opinion here at lichess. Objectively, GM Sergei Zhigalko …

Off-Topic Discussion - Who's the best lichess player?#18

I thought of what might be a helpful reminder for new(er) players at the site, when joining simuls...some titled players prefer that you have 50 games minimum, especially for new accounts, to try to w…

Off-Topic Discussion - Who's the best lichess player?#17

LM Lance5500, hands down. He hosts more simuls for the community than anyone, I've played him about 50 plus times over the years, and he is a vital part of this site. He's always polite, gracious, and…

General Chess Discussion - Sorry, you can't follow more than 400 players on Lichess.#14

HommeSaoul, inasmuch as you've only been at this site for a few years, and I've been playing online chess since it was in black and white on Caissa's Web, I can understand how you are confused in term…

General Chess Discussion - Sorry, you can't follow more than 400 players on Lichess.#12

"Aerate" is a term used for fish tanks, to add oxygen to the water, however I understand that English is not your first language, so you don't know what you are posting or trying to express. I worked …

General Chess Discussion - Sorry, you can't follow more than 400 players on Lichess.#10

Members like to follow many other members to build chess teams/clubs, to be alerted for simuls when they are posted, to view live broadcasts on Twitch TV, and also simply to keep up and communicate wi…

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Lichess Feedback - My friends on line list is not visible #5

I had the same problem develop just in the past month or two, and I didn't change any of my settings. Usually when in live chess my list of friends who are active online is in the box, bottom right, w…
