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429 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - 2 Cents ? is that the monetary value of each game you play on Lichess?#8

It's more like trying to determine how much one of those kilometers is worth based on the total price you have paid for the car, fuel, repairs, cleanings, maintenance, etc.

General Chess Discussion - takebacks#4

There's a personal option to simply disable takebacks during rated games. Of course, then you'll have people sending draw offers every move after they make a mistake instead whenever they can't do a t…

Lichess Feedback - PETITION from CONCERNED USERS#73

#72 You are entitled to have that opinion. Every user's experience is going to be uniquely subjective. There will always be people who feel one way of doing something is more intuitive than another, e…

Lichess Feedback - Lichess theme#2

This is a very rational proposal. Maybe someone can develop a super simple alternate theme that makes the new overlay menu into a sidebar for those who are unhappy with the new functionality? Hell, I …

Lichess Feedback - PETITION from CONCERNED USERS#71

Let me clarify why this thread is ridiculous. The old navigation system was objectively bad. As new features were added to the site over time, they were somewhat haphazardly added to whatever page see…

Lichess Feedback - Feature Request(s) Correspondence Tournaments, Clans etc#6

*bump* I know the devs are all quite busy with a lot of big projects, but I'm very curious if this is something we'll see happen over the spring/summer?

General Chess Discussion - 2 Cents ? is that the monetary value of each game you play on Lichess?#4

So when someone ruins my experience, now I don't have to give them my 2 cents because they already took it. ;)

Lichess Feedback - 960 castling -- A REAL, PERMANENT ANSWER??#38

Correct, and I've documented the castling error with the analysis board in 960 games on github. Never hurts to have more confirmation though. However, I'm sorry that no one else is able to reproduce t…

Lichess Feedback - PETITION from CONCERNED USERS#66

For the record, I don't make personal attacks when I have an alternate perspective. I simply call a spade a spade. My only "personal attack" on you was to call this thread what is is: ridiculous - as …

Lichess Feedback - New Interface#80

#78 simple, yes. Intuitive, not so much. You had to go to the Games page to find the board editor. When the analysis board was introduced, I had absolutely no idea until a few days ago that you could …
