
Masterpieces with Nose: Viktor Korchnoi

23 • NoseKnowsAll •
  1. Viktor Korchnoi - Mikhail Tal
  2. Stefano Tatai - Viktor Korchnoi
  3. Anatoly Karpov - Viktor Korchnoi
  4. Viktor Korchnoi - Mijo Udovcic
  1. NoseKnowsAll

Zurich 1953 with analysis

23 • xxxxTwitchxxxx •
  1. Taimanov - Bronstein, Benko Gambit (Rd 1)
  2. Euwe - Kotov, Benoni Defense (Rd 1)
  3. Stahlberg - Boleslavsky, King's Indian (Rd 1)
  1. Rneelagiri
  2. xxxxTwitchxxxx

Masterpieces with Nose: Lajos Portisch

22 • NoseKnowsAll •
  1. Lajos Portisch - Tigran Vartanovich Petrosian
  2. Lajos Portisch - Nick de Firmian
  3. Lajos Portisch - Ivan Radulov
  1. NoseKnowsAll

Masterpieces with Nose: Vladimir Kramnik

21 • NoseKnowsAll •
  1. Vladimir Kramnik - Garry Kasparov
  2. Boris Gelfand - Vladimir Kramnik
  3. Vassily Ivanchuk - Vladimir Kramnik
  4. Levon Aronian - Vladimir Kramnik
  1. NoseKnowsAll

More Endgames You Must Know!

20 • BOT chekmatechess •
  1. Sacrificing for king activity
  2. Freezing a pawn majority
  1. BOT chekmatechess

Advanced Endgames You Must Know!

20 • litlife •
  1. Introduction
  2. Trebuchet position
  3. The famous Reti endgame
  4. A typical pawn race
  1. litlife

Curriculum 11: Positional Sacrifices and Compensation

18 • kathparov •
  1. Table of Contents
  2. --The Exchange Sacrifice--
  3. A Typical Exchange Sacrifice
  4. Victor Liublinsky - Mikhail Botvinnik
  1. kathparov

Knights | How to dominate your opponents! by NoseKnowsAll.please Join

17 • lion20133 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Bishop dominating a knight
  3. Pawns dominating a knight
  4. An uneasy knight post
  1. lion20133

Masterpieces with Nose: Efim Geller

16 • NoseKnowsAll •
  1. Efim Geller - Paul Keres
  2. Efim Geller - Anatoly Karpov
  3. Efim Geller - Vasily Smyslov
  4. Efim Geller - Yuri N Anikaev
  1. NoseKnowsAll

Zurich 1953 with analysis

15 • JCaselas •
  1. Introduction
  2. Taimanov - Bronstein, Benko Gambit (Rd 1)
  3. Euwe - Kotov, Benoni Defense (Rd 1)
  4. Stahlberg - Boleslavsky, King's Indian (Rd 1)
  1. JCaselas

Beginner Endgames You Must Know!

15 • julian1220 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Staircase mate
  3. Sideways staircase mate
  4. Staircase mate with a rook
  1. julian1220

Advanced Endgames You Must Know!

14 • BOT chekmatechess •
  1. Trebuchet position
  2. The famous Reti endgame
  3. A typical pawn race
  4. Baiting out a future check
  1. BOT chekmatechess

Advanced Endgames You Must Know!

14 • AOCT123 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Trebuchet position
  3. The famous Reti endgame
  4. A typical pawn race
  1. Knightrider1005
  2. AOCT123

Knights | How to dominate your opponents!

13 • monsienne •
  1. Introduction
  2. Bishop dominating a knight
  3. Pawns dominating a knight
  4. An uneasy knight post
  1. monsienne

Knights | How to dominate your opponents!

13 • Ranveer99 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Bishop dominating a knight
  3. Pawns dominating a knight
  4. An uneasy knight post
  1. Ranveer99

Knights | How to dominate your opponents!

13 • Wotifr •
  1. Bishop dominating a knight
  2. Pawns dominating a knight
  3. An uneasy knight post
  4. Preventing knight domination
  1. Wotifr