
Caissa Emerging A Team

44 members

About Us:

The A Team is the pinnacle of excellence in our chess club, comprising some of the most skilled and dedicated players among our ranks. We are united by our passion for chess and our unwavering commitment to constant improvement. Our aim is not just to win games, but to elevate the level of play within the club and inspire others to reach their full potential.


Our mission is simple yet ambitious – to be the standard-bearers of strategic brilliance and sportsmanship within our chess community. We strive to push the boundaries of our capabilities, consistently challenging ourselves to achieve greater heights in the game we love. As ambassadors of the club, we foster an atmosphere of inclusivity, camaraderie, and mutual respect among all members.


The A Team firmly believes in the adage "Iron sharpens iron." We understand that the key to personal growth lies in facing strong opponents and learning from every encounter. Each game is an opportunity to broaden our horizons, refine our tactics, and sharpen our minds. We value the journey of continuous learning and the humility that comes with recognizing that there is always more to discover.


Thematic Tournament A7+2 • Rapid • Casual7 rounds Swiss
Caissa A Chess Arena10+2 • Rapid • Casual1 round Swiss
Caissa A Chess Arena10+2 • Rapid • Casual1 round Swiss
Caissa A Chess Arena10+2 • Rapid • Casual2 rounds Swiss
Caissa A Chess Arena10+2 • Rapid • Casual2 rounds Swiss