
Ramblings on studies section; few random tips

RANT: I cannot stand how common studies are that don't have an "analysis mode", or "Computer analysis: nobody".

Even more annoying is a vast majority that are popular choose "hide moves" meaning I can't quickly skim opening libraries. And most of the time if it doesn't "hide moves", then they have "analysis mode" turned off so you can't simply turn on the engine. WHY!?

I'm making an opening repertoire in pgn format. As we know, the studies section can't sort by most popular.

Tip: you can use a chrome extension called "find+ | Regex Find-in-Page Tool"


You can use that to find studies with 3-4 digits of likes/hearts (100 - 999). Or use "{3,}" gives you 3 or more digits.

PGN spaces after move #

I use several tools to copy/paste pgn files (chesstempo, PDF's, chessable, etc) and it seems most of the time the source doesn't have a space after the move # (1.d4 d5 2.Nf3). So, you can't paste it into a lichess study. A tip is you can use a regex in say sublime text, VS code to fix that easily with find and replace:

find: '\d{1,3}\.'
repl: '$0 '

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