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Gourdonerien Lichess

NM GeLoSterky Lichess coach picture

NM GeL Esteb

My way of teaching is for those who seek understanding rather than just memorization of chess theory.

Bro Philippines
YezhoùTagalog, English (US)
Priz evit un eur15$
Lonerdruid Lichess coach picture

Jason Davies

Chess is hard, but it does not have to be complicated. Let me help you simplify it all!

BroWestern Province South Africa
YezhoùEnglish (US), Afrikaans
RenkadurFIDE: 2105250519131939
Priz evit un eurVery Affordable/Deals available in bulk too!
FM steva23 Lichess coach picture

FM Stevan Jovic

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new!

BroNovi Sad Serbia
YezhoùСрпски језик
RenkadurFIDE: 23002267241317751938
Priz evit un eur$25
FM La_Jul Lichess coach picture

FM Julien Favarel

Adore le Jeu d’Échecs ! Je serais ravi de vous partager ma passion !

BroBordeaux France
RenkadurFIDE: 2301
Priz evit un eur40€
FM bob_2004 Lichess coach picture

FM Вадим Бобков

Вариативность для каждого

Bro Earth
Yezhoùрусский язык
Priz evit un eur1800р
FM yjjga Lichess coach picture

FM Yeison Gutiérrez

Mejora tu ajedrez de forma sistematizada.// Improve your chess skills systematically

BroCaracas Venezuela
YezhoùEspañol, English (US)
Priz evit un eurAsk. Email: WhatsApp: +584123073686
IM Abtron Lichess coach picture

IM Orkhan Abdulov

When you undervalue what you do, the world will undervalue who you are.

BroBaku Azerbaijan
Yezhoùрусский язык, Türkçe
RenkadurFIDE: 24012597
Priz evit un eur 40 per hour, discount for regular students. Training games 30$ per hour.
GM Ratkovic_Miloje Lichess coach picture

GM Miloje Ratkovic

“Practice even what seems impossible. The left hand is useless at almost everything, for lack of practice. But it guides the reins better than the right. From practice.”​

BroBelgrade Serbia
YezhoùEnglish (US), Српски језик, Bosanski, Hrvatski
RenkadurFIDE: 24892861
Priz evit un eur1 hour= 95 USD, 10 hours= 800 USD
IM Cadena2 Lichess coach picture

IM Rodolfo Garbarino

La vida se refleja en el tablero de ajedrez

BroBuenos Aires Argentina
RenkadurFIDE: 2345
Priz evit un eurConsultar por mensaje privado en lichess. Descuentos para residentes en Argentina
FM Artem_0degov Lichess coach picture

FM Artem Odegov

Научу не только любить, но и сильно играть в эту игру! I will teach you to love and play this game like a pro!

BroYekaterinburg Russia
Yezhoùрусский язык, English (US)
RenkadurFIDE: 230829042601
Priz evit un eur Занятие 2000₽/час. Lesson 30$/hour (I can take crypto). Discounts are available, feel free to contact me!