
AlphaZero testing new chess rules

I hope they will succeed to save the chess. I am so tired of 99% of my games end up in a boring draw.
What I wrote here I realize doesn't really add anything to the discussion so I removed it. But if anything were to be implemented I still stand by stalemate = win by a large margin.
What I wrote here I realize doesn't really add anything to the discussion so I removed it. But if anything were to be implemented I still stand by stalemate = win by a large margin.
It would have been nice to see

A) New games, new (real) matches from the A.I. For example against the current two best programs (Leela and Stockfish).

This could have continued to grow and improve the game.

B) Failing this, it would have been nice to see analysis of _current_ variants such as CrazyHouse, etc.

Many of these are beloved by many and have quite a following on here. I enjoy Crazyhouse a lot for example although I don't play it enough.

Instead of this, we get another slap in the face from Kramnik, in the form of saying all this is useless.
Crazyhouse 960 is the way to go because Crazyhouse is already developing theory. For example, there are certain openings that are simply dead wrong to use in Crazyhouse. I agree that Crazyhouse should be looked at seriously because it is a variant. Strange thing about Magnus Carlsen is he doesn’t seem to play this variant on Lichess. Which is odd because he does play Atomic. As for Kramnik I’m a little surprised he hasn’t looked at allowing the bishops to change color because this would also speed up the process of eliminating draws. As for the castling rule...I think they should modify it to allow the king to castle with any piece. This way the castling rule allows unpredictability as you wouldn’t know whether the opponent chooses to castle the king with a bishop, knight, queen or rook. There is a chess variant that allows self capture and it’s called Recycle Chess. You capture your own piece and place it in reserve like Crazyhouse. And on the next move you can drop it anywhere on the chessboard. But this variant has been copyrighted so they’d need permission to license its use in chess. They should also look at making the chessboard bigger or making it asymmetrical. There was a variant called Black Hole which would allow the piece that lands on the black hole to “disappear” and reappear on another part of the chessboard.
Changing the chess rules is an interesting idea but it should NEVER replace normal chess.
Who downvoted my post there, p.o.s.?


You think it's a good idea?

It's a waste and a retarded slap in the face for all chess players.


About a hundred downvotes for your posts.


Draw death? Are you following current chess at all?

I mean, rhetorical question.

Of course you are.

But -- 38 game match between #1 at Classical and Rapid, vs #1 at Blitz, where the World Champion had to win the last two games, to order - etc. . .

Chess is not approaching "draw death" by any stretch of the imagination. And this waste by Kramnik of the perhaps best chess program in the world. . .

It is an interesting study, which shows that all those proposals do not change much: chess is a draw.
Classical World Championship 12 draws in 12 games, ICCF nealy all draw, TCEC prescribed openings necessary to prevent all draw.

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